In plain sight: A ship-shaped object. The right size as described in scripture, and radar shows that this object has rooms.
Could it be? That while expeditions have braved the ice and storms of the lofty Mt. Ararat looking for the Ark high on its slopes, it could actually be on a nearby hill in relatively plain sight? The bible states that the Ark came to rest “in the mountains of Ararat” (plural), and thus the ship doesn’t need to rest directly on the highest peak there to qualify as the real thing. See Genesis 8:4. Read on. You’ll find this interesting.
Noah’s Ark Introduction
Eastern Turkey
The Durupinar site at Köprüköy, 76002 Kavaktepe/Iğdır Merkez/Iğdır, Türkiye
There was a bit of a sensation on September 5, 1960 when Life magazine published an article and a dramatic aerial photo of a large object in Eastern Turkey that looked remarkably like a ship. Early studies dismissed the object, located in the foothills of Mt. Ararat, as a coincidence, and thus the site fell into obscurity once again. Read on. This site was destined to gain new attention a couple of decades later.
In the meantime, several adventurers started looking high up on the slopes of Mt. Ararat and came up empty-handed.
The Durupinar Site Revisited
During the 1980’s, Ron Wyatt, an anesthetist from Tennessee, visited the ship-shaped object at the Durupinar site in Turkey and scanned the structure with ground penetrating radar. His scans showed a boat shaped layout under the surface, complete with vertical wall structures within the hull shape. Ron concluded that this was indeed a man-made object. Over the next number of years, Ron visited the site numerous times and performed more tests. Vertical beams were clearly visible even when standing beside the edge of the structure. And Ron’s radar tests showed a pattern of rivets and beams.
On one occasion, with representatives of the Turkish government present, a laminated beam was seen on radar. The specimen was dug up by the Turkish military at that time and later analyzed by Galbraith Laboratories in the United States. The laboratory tests confirmed that the specimen was petrified wood because it was once organic carbon.
Laminated hand-wrought wood. Five layers of timber. Glued together with pitch. Clearly visible layers when viewed from the end.
– So does all this recent effort tell us anything?
– Yes!